Aus Geschichde leann: Now we go…Overseas!

Haut gedd’s käi Märche, haut gedd’s Noijechkääre. Insenn Poddkaasd ewwersch Auswannern eas edds aach off Englisch feaddech. Ech fass mech koazz off Pladd on Huuchdoidsch. Haut kleangd’s èmo mieh sou wie ean Ewwersee. Äi Schangs mieh, sech Geschichde osehirrn on draus sé leanne.

Heute gibt es keine Märchen, heute gibt es Neuigkeiten. Unser Podcast über das Auswandern ist jetzt auch auf Englisch fertig. Ich fasse mich kurz in Mundart und auf Hochdeutsch. Heute klingt’s mal mehr so wie in Übersee. Eine Chance mehr, sich Geschichte/n anzuhören und daraus zu lernen.

The English version of our podcast is online: „Now we go… Overseas!“ One more chance to listen to history… and to learn from it. Ruth (Stern Gasten from Nieder-Ohmen and Livermore) for example, is in part 2, saying what should be said not only today: Democracy is not a spectator sport! And she is in part  3, talking about her time as a child on board of the ship, and in part 6, statements from her book show in Nieder-Ohmen and from the Rally for Love in Livermore, California. We are happy and honored to have her in the podcast. And so many others, including music!

Here is the info:

Now we go… Overseas! 

A podcast of the historical society Lastoria, with volunteers in the United States and Germany, 

directed by Monika Felsing

and Susan Eldridge nee Badenhausen

Dedicated to

everyone here and in overseas

who loves the freedom of others

as much as his or her own.

Who cares and shares.

Who pursues happiness

and finds kindness, safety and truth,

humour, wonders and respect,

justice, wisdom and tenderness,

true solidarity and peace.

First Part: Out of necessity to America. Hessian emigrants in the 19th and early 20th Century

Second Part: Departure to freedom. Of 500 who set out to find and fight for human rights. Some of them have changed the country they settled in to the better

Third Part: Zweiback and Captain’s Dinner. How a five-year-old and a seventeen-year-old from Hesse experienced their first sea voyage and what became of them and others

Fourth Part: A home far away from home. Emigration becomes immigration.  Hessian contributions to American history of the 17th and 18th centuries

Fifth Part: In the light of Lady Liberty’s Torch. How immigrants experienced their arrival on Ellis Island

Sixth Part: Welcome Or Not Welcome? A fearful question. How the conditions of immigration to the United States have changed since the early 20th Century

Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who has participated in this voluntary human rights and history project. 

Your comments are welcome.

Best wishes from overseas!

Monika Felsing and the other volunteers from Lastoria e.V.

Bremen, Germany

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